Procurement Department
The Procurement Department is headed by a Director.
Vision and Mission Statements:
The Department Vision and Mission Statements are as follows:
Vision Statement:
To maintain best practice in the procurement of goods, works and services to meet the needs of the NYSC Scheme.
Mission Statement:
To ensure Transparency, Efficiency, Economy, Competitiveness, Timeliness and Value for Money in all procurements for the maximum benefits of the scheme.
The procurement Department has Three Divisions, the Divisions are as follows:
Capital Procurement/Tender Division
Recurrent Procurement Division
Quality Control and Inspection Division
The Department plays the following roles:
- Collation of capital needs of the scheme
- Carrying out value analysis of projects and capital materials needed/required by the scheme
- Collation and disposal of unserviceable and obsolete items
- Monitoring and inspection of capital projects to ensure compliance.
- Responsible for Procurement Planning Policy, Research and Development.
- Assist in review and update of regulations towards implementation of procurement practices in line with PPA 2007.
- Embarking on Price Intelligence and Periodic Market Survey.
- Drafting of technical requirements, guidelines and specifications of procurement practices.
- Compilations and Submission of Annual Procurement Reports to the management
- Coordinate Training Programme of staff (Procurement Officers Workshop).
- Procurement Scheduling: Specification of time-line for acquisition, delivery of goods and services during the fiscal year or planned period.
- Database Management, Recording and Electronic Documentation of Transactions.
- Check and verify compliance to quality standard and specification by suppliers at the point of delivery of the materials.
- Ensure good quality and standard kit items are supplied across the orientation camps to ensure different sizes are supplied for Corps Members’ use.
- Inspecting factories and Business premises of the companies involved in production of the kit items.
- Authenticate contractors’ capacity and capabilities of meeting the scheme’s mandates.
- Visit Central Store on regular basis to ensure thorough inspection and quality control of materials supplied.
- Ensure that the quality and quantity supplied conforms to specified/accepted standard.
Tenders Board Secretariat
The Tenders Board Secretariat is statutorily domiciled under the Office of the Director, Procurement. It is responsible for all Tendering processes and supply of goods, works and services required by the scheme. It is headed by the Secretary Tenders Board.
Roles Of Tenders Board Secretariat
- Placement of Contracts’ Advertisement on National Dailies;
- Conducting Technical and Financial Bid Opening;
- Evaluation of Bids for due diligence;
- Processing the Award of Contracts;
- Processing of Contract Documents;
- Processing Payment of Contractors through GIFMIS Platform;
- Database management, Recording and Electronic Documentation of Transactions in the Tender Board Secretariat.